Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Illegal Immigrants Deported While Recovering in the Hospital

Immigration reform has become a highly debated issue between battling parties in Congress. For illegal workers, the risks for simply seeking medical attention could quickly have you deported back to your country of origin.
Take, for example, The Deportation of two illegal immigrants, Jacinto Cruz and Jose Rodriguez-Saldana; two illegal workers at the nation's largest pork-producers, who were recovering from a serious car accident in Iowa. They did not know that, because they were in the country illegally, were being deported back into their country without them even knowing it.
Emergency rooms are required to care for an patient in serious condition, whether they be illegal workers or American citizens. However, when the patient is stabilized is when the need to keep them monitored ceases-and hundreds of migrant workers have been deported from this loophole. The hospital can transport patients in international flights until they reach their destination. In the cases of Cruz and Rodriguez-Saldana, it led them 1800 miles in Veracruz, on the Mexican Gulf Coast.

1 comment:

  1. Hospitals along with a lot of other companies and organizations are held to high expectations for preventing illegal immigration in our country. It goes way beyond border control and the coast gaurd. Coming back from my cruise a similar incident happened. No injuries, but the captain spotted a homemade raft in the water, and came over the announcements that he was required to turn back and check it out. I caught a glimpse of the raft and it was clearly a make shift floating device and even included an engine crafted out of plastic bottles. No bodies were found, but the captain had to report it to the US Coast Gaurd to investigate. The crew members said it only happens once every four years, but it still goes to show that everyone is asked to keep their eyes peeled to stop illegal immigration at any cost.
